Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Are You Addicted To: Comparing Yourself to Others?

We have all done it at one point or another- compare ourself to others of course.

While, in many instances it seems it could ignite the 'competitor' in us, for the most part it is actually a disabling mechanism.

 There is always someone more successful, wealthy, healthy and etc. that we could compare ourself to, but what I have found in recent years is that even the person that seems to have it all, is lacking stability in one or more aspects of their life.

Comparing myself to others is almost second nature to me. From work, school to physical appearance and personal relationships, it becomes very easy to lose oneself in the realm of 'only if I had.....' or 'why don't I have....', and as personal experience takes it, there is nothing more detrimental then having the self-deteriorating prophecy that despite what you have or achieved that you somehow are not good enough.

So how do we try to overcome it?

When you find yourself belittling yourself or your accomplishments, take a moment to send gratitude for everything you DO have. This action instantly changes the mindset and refocuses your energy, breaking the pattern of comparison.

Try it today; write a list of 5-7 things in your life that you are truly grateful for or should be grateful for, but may not always focus on. Example: a supportive family/partner, a healthy body, great communication/listening skills, ability to speak different languages, a hidden talent. Any little thing that you are grateful for will remind you that you are your own individual, and you have your own unique path life.