If you are anything like I used to be, once you get home from work (5pm-6pm) you are ready to become a couch potato. It seems being productive after a 'work day' is more improbable than waking up at 5am to make it to the gym; Seems like a good idea at first but it is too good to be true.
But, imagine if you could utilize that extra 4-5 hours before getting ready for bed. What would you get done (or start) if you had that time?
The following few tricks have really helped me, and I hope it could help you too.
1) Turn off your TV/Background Noise
Since I have made a vow to overcome my TV addiction 12 days ago, I have so much extra time, I actually run out of things to do. In only 12 days, I have started this blog, created several other social media accounts that I contribute to regularly, written several drafts for future posts, organized my projects, updated my portfolio and learned a few new recipes in the kitchen.
2) Join a team
When I received an E-mail from a friend in December asking if I wanted to join a dodgeball team
, I thought she was bloody absurd. But, since committing to the team every Tuesday night, along with the rest of regular commitments, I find that the rest of my week seems more organized as well because the more I have to do, the less spare time I have to waste.
3) Schedule in Social Gatherings and 'Me-Time'
I don't use a fancy calender with a leather cover or a high-tech tablet (not that there is anything wrong with that) to organize my week. What I use is a simple notebook that I have turned into a weekly calender. Besides deadlines, meetings, and important reminders, I also schedule in my social life. When I see how much of my week is actually accounted for, I am more likely to utilize that extra few hours that I have each night. This does not mean that I am not flexible or pass on opportunities, to the contrary, I am quite spontaneous because I see what needs to be done, and I make the conscious decision to either commit to the task at hand or reschedule.
4) Listen to Your Body and not the Devil on Your Shoulder
There is going to be days that no matter how much you would want to be productive, you are better off kicking your shoes and having a glass of wine. Do it. You need it! Your body and mind requires occasional 'time-off' in order not to burn out. But, differentiate between 'I need to unwind' (voice of reason) and 'I should really do work, but I rather do it tomorrow' (the devil on your shoulder).
5) Set Goals
Last but not least, set
weekly goals. Yes, it seems redundant but setting goals helps with the direction of your week, works as a motivation factor and it is a tangible way to measure progress.
Love you hear your feedback.
Comment here or twit me at @solutionaddict