Monday, 4 February 2013

Are You Addicted to: Coffee?

I am neither a scientist, nor a psychologist. Not a nutritionist, doctor or a counselor. But, I know an addict when it is having a nervous break down behind me while waiting to buy her coffee. 

I usually buy my morning coffee from the drive-tru, but today while looking at the endless line, I decided to park and go in. Bad idea.

I was not aware that "I haven't had my coffee yet" has become a socially acceptable excuse to act like a lunatic. While, I admit that the line up was long, and the number of staff low, a lady clearly in need of her morning coffee managed to further frustrate others in line by cursing at the workers, loudly scream over the phone to someone who seemed to be her contractor, and wrongfully accuse another woman for budding in line.

As I was waiting for my order to get ready, I overheard her explain to the cashier that she was sorry for the commotion, and smiled while saying " know how it is, I haven't had my coffee yet".

Are you kidding me?  

If being unable to control your behavior or social responses due to the lack of a substance, i.e. caffeine, is not an addiction, I don't know what is.

The only difference is that her substance addiction is socially acceptable, and economically motivated by coffee chains that always seem to find a new neighborhood corner to pop up in.

So, now the real question:  
Are You Addicted to Coffee? 

 There are a hundred reasons (health, psychological, economical, etc) to control your caffeine addiction. But beside all else, do it for the sanity of those that have to be around you in the morning.

Image from

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